To update fields in headers, footers, footnotes, and endnotes, you must open those parts of the document and update the fields in them separately.
If you have other fields in your document you want to update, you can update all of them at once by pressing “Ctrl + A” to select the whole document (minus any headers, footers, footnotes, or endnotes) and then pressing “F9”. NOTE: When the cursor is in word count number, the number is highlighted in gray because the number is a field. Once you add or delete words in your document, you can update the word count by right-clicking on the word count number, and selecting “Update Field” from the popup menu. The number of words in your document is inserted at the cursor. Click “OK” to insert the field into the document.
However, for the number of words, you don’t need to apply any formatting so don’t select anything from those lists. The “Format” and “Numeric format” lists allow you to specify the format for the field being inserted.